Hi, my name is MJ and I have a 2 and a half year old named Carmella. We are participants of Thrive.
Thrive is an amazing program for young mothers and their children to learn, grow and THRIVE! It is a community of women lifting each other towards a happy future and a wonderful group of childcare workers teaching and encouraging young children to grow with a smile on their face.
Something I learned this week was that it is not wrong to feel like you're going crazy when your baby is crying and won't stop. It is okay to hold and cuddle them to sleep if that is what they need. Babies are people and like anyone else, their needs vary depending on the child.
My favourite thing we did this week was mommy and me workouts! It is so fun to see the little ones busting a move and enjoying healthy exercise. Thank you to everyone that makes this program possible!
- MJ