Families Restored, Lives Transformed
The world of a young parent can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate, especially without support. Young Families is a community where vulnerable young moms and dads are empowered to break cycles of poverty and trauma and see healthy relationships flourish.
Young Families is a connected community of supporters committed to standing in solidarity with young parents year round to empower them with the skills, resources and guidance they need to overcome challenges and restore their families.
About Adverse Childhood Experiences
ACEs are adverse childhood experiences. The term comes from a groundbreaking public health study that discovered childhood trauma leads to the adult onset of chronic diseases, depression and other mental illness, violence and financial and social problems.
The study’s researchers came up with an ACE score to explain a person’s risk for chronic disease. Think of it as a cholesterol score for childhood toxic stress. You get one point for each type of trauma. The higher your ACE score, the higher your risk of health and social problems.
Please note, we’ve used a different photo to protect Alayah’s privacy and identity.
““My ACEs score is 9/10, which has left me with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. But I’m focused on my mental health. I needed help to face my fears, my past, and my trauma head on, despite feeling shameful and embarrassed. I went through the program and worked through my PTSD.” ”
Young Families is committed to seeing families restored and lives transformed. We provide a community of care and support to young moms and dads when they’re at their most vulnerable. Young Families is a dedicated group with a vision to radically change lives and restore families. We provide a safe, caring and supportive environment for parenting youth, aged 12 to 24.
Young Families is a Youth Unlimited program. Youth Unlimited has been serving the Lower Mainland for over 60 years and is dedicated to transforming a generation inside out. To find out more about Youth Unlimited, click here.