Celebrate Young Mom's This Mother's Day

For Chelsea, a young mother of two boys, going back to school to pursue her dreams always seemed out of reach. Being a mom can be demanding and challenging at any age, but raising two kids can feel like more than a full time job, especially for young parents. 

Getting an education in a field she’s passionate about means a brighter future for Chelsea and her family, as she and her children's father are both committed to creating. But, raising children while going to school seemed overwhelming and impossible.

Thanks to the support of Young Families and the skills she learned through the Thrive Program, Chelsea is back at school studying to become a Health Care Support Worker. 

“The Thrive program has given me communication tools that I use throughout my daily life interactions. Thrive has also given me a confidence boost,” says Chelsea.

The relationships and community she’s found through Thrive have built up her strengths and helped her to “grow and focus on my goals.” 

But Thrive has helped support more than Chelsea’s day-to-day interactions with others. It’s changed the way she see’s herself.  “What I am the most proud of is discovering my potential. I am now planning on going for my bachelors of science in nursing once my youngest son is in school.” 


Your gift will empower young mothers like Chelsea to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families. You can help young moms face the challenges that often hold them back from living a life of purpose and financial independence.

Through counselling, childcare and life-skills mentorship, young moms get the support they need while learning how to be the parents their children deserve.

Celebrate moms everywhere this Mother's Day by donating to support young moms like Chelsea create a brighter future for her sons.