Year End BBQ at Bear Creek

One of our favourite things to do over the summer months is to gather together for picnics and BBQs with young parents and their kids. A few weeks ago, we had our year-end BBQ at Bear Creek Park and we got to do exactly that - spend some quality time under the sun with the resilient young families and dedicated volunteers we’re so thankful for.

Everyone expressed in one way shape or form, that this community is a place where they experience family, a place they can rely on and know that they will be heard and accepted for who they are.  

One young mom said "I feel like it gets me out of the house. I get to meet other moms and feel like I have a family."

Another mom said "I attend as often as possible for the emotional support and nurturing environment."

This sense of belonging and community is why we exist - to stand in solidarity with young parents and empower them with the skills, resources and guidance they need to overcome challenges and restore their families.  

The next cycle of the Thrive Program kicks off this fall - stay tuned on how you can ensure even more young parents have this same sense of family, community and belonging.