The 8th cycle of Thrive begins this week!
We’re filled with excitement for the 7 courageous young women ready to make a fresh start this fall. As we were getting ready to kick things off on Monday, we took a moment to pause and take the photo above - before the workshop began, before each young mother came into the room.
These empty seats have come to represent the anticipation and hope we have for each young mother as they enter into their 18-month program. Most of these women have made connections with Young Families through the weekly Wednesday baking program and one young mom in particular enrolled because of the direct encouragement of a Young Families supporter she received at last year's Christmas dinner.
This is truly a snapshot of the Young Families community and the impact and influence positive relationships have in our lives!
For the more than 10 years, Thrive has been one of the cornerstone programs of Young Families. And for more than 10 years, Thrive has been creating a space for transformation and community for young moms in need.
This next group of committed moms entering Thrive arrive with their own personal stories to work through. In the coming weeks and months, Thrive will help young mothers face the challenges that often hold them back from living a life of purpose and financial independence.\
Stayed tuned for more Thrive updates and to learn more about the 7 young moms embarking on this exciting and life-changing journey!